Monday, 14 July 2014

The Sunday Edit #4

So i'm back after a little break from blogging, this is my first post of the week whereas I would usually have posted 1 or 2 before this- but if I'm honest this week I haven't really been feeling like blogging, I've felt a little stressed and just not with it. But I'm trying to keep the Sunday Edit going, so here I am updating you on the week I've had, if i'm honest I haven't done a whole lot!

This week started with me having a motive, where has that been for the past 3 weeks I've had off college?!
As you may of seen on my Summer Wishlist is that one thing i'd like to accomplish this summer is to stop procrastinating and do the work I've been set to do over summer, that I did! I woke up early and got the work out of the way within an hour, so pleased! I then had nothing planned for the rest of the day so I thought I'd better make it productive so, I cleaned my room, cleaned downstairs and got the washing done as my mum hasn't been home all week- I felt like a proper housewife, haha!
My makeup brushes were also awaiting a clean after a short while so that's what I got done, while watching the Little Mermaid which I haven't done since I was about 7, and I loved every minute of it!

Tuesday- In all honesty I actually can't remember what I got up to on Tuesday, I think this was the day I wasn't feeling to great as I felt exhausted so I tried to sleep throughout the day and lets just say it didn't happen! I was supposed to be meeting my older sister to go food shopping as my mum hasn't been home all week like I said, that didn't happen. Pizza happened instead, oops! Just after I started working out too, yes that's right- i'm using the app PumpUp if you're wondering!

Again I didn't get up to much on Wednesday, I was supposed to go food shopping with my sister for the week but again it didn't happen. I had work, which was strange as I hadn't worked a Wednesday night before but I'm sure you don't want to know about that so!

Thursday is a little more exciting for you, this was the day of strikes so my sister was off work which meant I could actually do something. We were hoping for a lie-in but woke up super early, so we went for an early morning shop and I'm on a spending ban so it wasn't too fun for me, but even still window-shopping was enough to fulfill my need. I went into Primark to exchange my T-Bar shoes in nude for a smaller size, they didn't have them so instead I saved myself £12 which i'm not over the moon with as I really wanted them shoes! The weather was pretty good on Thursday, of course I wasn't appropriately dressed so I was boiling so we came home as I was starting to feel a tad ill. If you don't already know my sister is moving out very soon so I helped her to clear out, of course obtaining a few new items!
She said I could go and view the new house she's moving into with a couple of friends so that's what we did, I am so pleased for hear and very jealous too!

99p each- B&M Bargains

We finally went shopping, although there was only 2 days left we'd have to cook. I picked up some really cute pots in the perfect colours to match my room, which you can see here. We also decided to cook pasta bolognese which was honestly amazing!

Again like every weekend I am working, Friday and Saturday but this week Sunday evening too because of the world cup! I'm not even a huge fan of football but I'm not looking forward to missing the final as my brothers have a bet on, I'm not even sure who they've bet to win but they've done so well up to here!
I also received an order this weekend that I purchased with my FeaturePoints rewards, I got a Toni&Guy curling wand which I will be doing a blog post on very soon! And that's pretty much been my week! So that's all for now, i'll be back with another blog post very soon this week!

Until next time,

Amy X

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