Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Nominated for the Liebster Award!

I've been nominated by the lovely writer of the blog 'Little Miss Wallflower' for the Liebster Award- thank you very much! As i've mentioned before i've been excited to get this done and up on my blog so here it is. Also be sure to check out the lovely Little Miss Wallflower here, where you can see the questions she answered for this award. 
I've seen this blog award floating around a lot and am so pleased to be nominated for it, so lets get straight into it- with the questions I received from Little Miss Wallflower.

P.S.- I did not make this! I just found this under Liebster Award badge on Google Images- here.

1. What was your favourite post to write and was one of your most popular ones?
So far i'd say my favourite blog post I've written is my Christmas Wishlist(which was very early on my blog) as I love to lust over things and love Christmas, simple! My most popular blog post to date is my Christmas Haul, of course everybody loves a haul!

2. Apart from blogging, what are your hobbies?
Oh gosh, I always get stuck when i'm asked this *scratches head*, I'd say photography- I love instagramming and just taking photos in general as I love the memories that can be captured within a photo. I also enjoy shopping, catching up with friends and spending time with my family.

3. Would you want to be a Blogger for a living?
I definitely wouldn't say no! I'd of course give everything a shot but I doubt its possible for me to become a full-time blogger as there are so many big names out there at the moment, blogging is popular!

4. McDonalds or Starbucks?
I do like Starbucks, but I've only been a few times so, McDonalds.

5. Who are your favourite musicians and why?
Does Olly Murs count as a musician? He plays guitar and piano so, yeah. Olly Murs, McFly/McBusted, Twin Atlantic and I am really enjoying the 1975 at the moment.

6. Describe yourself in 1 word.
Ooh tricky, just 1? I'd say friendly, it doesn't hurt anyone to be kind, caring and well-mannered.

7. What's your favourite Disney film and any reason why?
I love Cinderella, a character who works super hard and then finally see's it's worth it. Good things come to those who wait, of course!

8. Do you read a lot? What are your favourite book(s) if so?
I wish I could say yes, but I've never been a keen reader, only of blogs.

9. If your house caught on fire, what 4 items would you save?
Providing my family are safe, i'd grab my photo album, my phone(as it holds a lot of photos), my bag(as it holds all my essentials) and lastly, i'm not quite sure- probably something sentimental of my Mothers like a card from her Nan before she passed away.

10. If you weren't human, what animal would you be?
Haha I like this question, I think i'd be a rabbit as they're my favourite animal- they're super cute and fluffy, independent in the wild but obviously are cared for domestically. They're just cute.

11. Where would you rather be; seaside, mountains or countryside?
Definitely the seaside, I love being near the seaside and usually those who live near are really friendly and just nice. I love the idea of being able to take a stroll on the beach in the evenings as it just seems so calming and relaxing!

The next part of this Award requires me to nominate 11 others, so here are my nominations! (I've taken the time to check through these blogs to ensure they each have under 200 followers(see rules below), if i'm wrong- sorry! However I still love your blog!)

Bits and Bows-
Thrifty Vintage Fashion-
Hiya it's Lauren-
It's me Niamh Alice-
White Glitter-
Natasha Writes-
Lucy Abigail Smith-
Little Lucy Wishes-
Fantabulous/ teens&diabetes-
Alz Galzz-

Here are my questions for you-

1. Did anyone in particular inspire you to start a blog, if so who?
2. What do you most enjoy about blogging?
3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time, in terms of work?
4. What is your favourite animal and why?
5. Eating in or out? Pick one!
6. What's your favourite word?
7. Who is/are your inspirations(inside or out of the blogging world)?
8. Ever kept a New Years Resolution, if so- which are you most proud of?
9. Where in the world would you most like to visit?
10. Arms for legs or legs for arms?
11. What are your hobbies?

Last but not least, here are the rules-

    • You must answer all 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
    • You must link back to the person who nominated you and display the award on your blog(there are a number of different styles if you just search 'Liebster Award' in Google images).
    • After completing the questions, you must nominate 11 bloggers(with under 200 followers) and give them 11 questions of your choice.
    • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you!

I hope you've enjoyed this post, have fun completing the tag-like award! Be sure to comment below once you've answered the questions so I can be sure to check them out! Enjoy!

Amy X


  1. I answered your questions, Thanks for nominating me xx :)
    Keep up the good work xx

    1. You're welcome! I'll be sure to check out your answers out too!
      I hope you enjoyed it!

      Amy X

  2. Great Answers!! Really enjoyed reading them and your questions are awesome also xx

    1. Thank you so much, and thanks again for nominating me!

      Amy X

  3. wow congratulations on your nomination! x Fleur

  4. Sorry I never replied to this, I had a slight hiatus. Well done for the nomination x


Thank you for your comment and checking out my blog, I will do my best to reply as soon as possible! X