Wednesday, 1 July 2015

July Goals | Life

Today's post will be short and snappy. I'm going to share with you a few of my goals for the month of July.

1. Finish college and my work placement. 
I believe I've mentioned this before but I have to complete a work placement along side my college course to gain experience working with children. My last day is on the 10th of July and although i'm a little gutted to be leaving as I love it so much, I am very excited to start my summer properly.

2. Get a job interview. 
Recently I've been applying for jobs to start in September, working full-time. However, I've not been very successful in my search but i'm hoping something will crop up that I can attend an interview for or even secure a job. Fingers crossed!

3. Complete a Paediatric First Aid Course. 
I found out that a centre near me will be running a First Aid Course this month and though i'm yet to book- I plan on doing it. Not only will this help me in my job search and when working with children, I also feel this is a very handy skill to have.

4. Spend more time outside.
It is well known that the sun can really help to solve skin problems such as spots or acne. I always try to get my daily dose of Vitamin D but i'll be trying extra hard to step outside and just enjoy being outdoors whether that be in my garden or out and about with friends.

5. Spend more time with family.
You may have seen my previous post: here, where I mentioned I met up with family that I haven't seen in years. I'd like to continue to do this so my plan for this summer, starting now is to visit family on a regular basis.

6. Exercise more.
I feel this occurs in a lot of peoples goals or resolutions but I really mean it. I'd like to loose weight but more importantly become healthier and fitter. Me and my friend have tried to go for a run at least once a week and we've decided to step it up a notch and go every other day or whenever possible.We'll see how that's gone at the end of the month.

7. Choose healthier options.
I'm constantly trying to eat healthier and shift a bit of weight but who can resit a couple of biscuits with their cup of tea!? Instead of just jumping to the junk food, i'm trying to consider and eat healthier options. Goodbye bread, hello crispbread and salad.

8. Give my room a little makeover.
I've never really been completely happy with the area at the end of my bed so I've decided to ditch the bed net, you know those mosquito nets that you see quite often on Tumblr and maybe add some clear fairy lights or just go completely simplistic and have a shelf with a few bits and bobs on.

9. Give myself a little makeover.
Nothing too drastic don't worry, I just mean sorting my hair out. I haven't dyed my hair in about 3/4 years but i'd like to change it up a little. I'm not entirely sure what colour i'd like but I shall have a think and get back to you on that one. If not I may just have a restyle!

10. Blog more.
Last but not least as I soon shall be off for summer, i'll have more time to blog so i'd like to get up at least two posts a week- if not more! I'd really appreciate if you could leave some post suggestions for the summer below in the comments!


♥   ♥   ♥


  1. Great post - it has inspired me to do one! I hope you achieve your goals! I would like to exercise more also and be healthier!

    - Jess xxx

    1. Thank you Jess! I hope exercising and healthy eating is going well so far. The exercise for me is not going so well but eating healthier isn't going so bad. Will update at the end of the month! x x

  2. Great post! These are great goals to have, I really hope you achieve them :)

  3. A bit late, but hopefully you have accomplished some of those already and good luck with the rest! :)


Thank you for your comment and checking out my blog, I will do my best to reply as soon as possible! X