Sunday, 26 April 2015

Social Media and Handy Apps! | My Favourite Apps

There are many apps that i'm using constantly in my daily life, some popular on the app store and some not so but none the less I love all of them and I thought i'd share them with you today..

First up is social media, it's not very often I go without using these on a daily basis as I find them completely addictive and a good way to connect with friends and socialise.

1. Instagram
This has got to be my favourite of the few, I love sharing and viewing pictures as they're easy on the eye and enjoyable. There are many accounts I follow that range from themed and blog accouns to personal Instagrams and I'm constantly browsing and liking while looking for inspiration. I also speak to a few lovely people on there that I wouldn't have known without making an Instagram account which is crazy!
If you'd like to follow me on there i'm @xtracesofmythoughts
2. Twitter, Facebook and whatsapp
I use these to keep up to date with my favourite celebs, friends and they're just places to be social. Also where else to have group conversations that get really weird at 2am? whatsapp- I love you. Haha! All of these are personal i'm afraid!
3. Timehop
Lets be real, i'm miserable most mornings because I have to wake up early and go to college but this app is forever putting a smile on my face with Facebook status' and tweets from way back when. Some just a year ago and some 6, my gosh! I also cringe A LOT!
4. Pinterest
For those of you who didn't know i'm a childcare student which means I go to placement a couple of times per week so I have to plan activities for the children. Pinterest has an array of amazing activities for children but not just that skincare, makeup, fashion and more!
5. Clue
You're probably wondering what on earth is Clue? TMI but the majority of us are girls here right? This is a period tracker which allows you to log how you're feeling day to day etc. It's great but enough about that...
6. mySupermarket
This app saves me money on a weekly basis! This is basically an app that compares supermarkets to enable you to find the best deal on the particular product you're searching for. I usually find bigger supermarkets like Tesco and Asda have better deals on certain skincare essentials compared to Boots and Superdrug, which is great if you're a student as every penny counts!
There you have it, a run down of my favourite apps. You may have noticed that I don't have any game favourites but that's because I spend most of my time on social media! I'd love to find some more apps that are handy or just for fun, so let me know..

♥   ♥   ♥


  1. I love Instagram,Twitter and Pinterest :)

    1. Me too! I'll be sure to check out your blog. Thanks for your comment X


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