Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I Can't Be The Only One? | Bad Beauty Habits

Hello! For those of you who aren't already aware I've changed my blog name, I was 'A Touch of Pastels' but now everything has been changed over. Yay!

However, today I thought I'd do something a bit different- talk through some bad beauty habits. The first is a given with the image below, makeup filled brushes!

- I don't clean my brushes as often as I should. Once a week I say, more like evey fortnight- probably a bit gross!

- My skin seems to eat my makeup, why? I forget to prime and set with powder or a setting spray. This is probably why I look a bit worse for wear when returning from college or shopping.

- I touch my face, by that I mean I check for spots that could've appeared through out the day and probably encourage more. Not to mention the urge to pop them, disgusting I know! Does this sound familiar?

- I'm too lazy to dry my hair after washing so I let it dry naturally, that's not the problem. When my hair is wild in the morning and I need to look semi presentable I straighten/put some curls in my hair but I don't use heat protection because it doesn't feel right on dry hair, and I wonder why my hair is so damaged!?

- Who has time to moisturise their body after every shower? Definitely not me! I don't want to wait around in the cold for my body to absorb the body butter so I don't get stuck to my clothes. I should really pick up the Vaseline spray on body moisturiser!

- Old makeup? Throw it out! I'm guilty of assuming a 2 possibly 3 year old cream eye shadow would be OK, it wasn't! Talk about extremely irritated and dry eye lids! Having said that, give or take a few months and it can't cause that much harm, if anything. What do you think about it?
- Steer away from the tweezers, or in my case scissors. When I was about 15, I thought my eyebrow hairs were too long and thought it'd be perfectly fine to trim them with scissors. I thought it was OK until I wiped the pencil off I used to fill them in, I was half an eyebrow down! Thank goodness it grew back but in some cases, it doesn't. So don't over pluck either!

- I'm sure most people have bitten their nails at some point in their life, whether that be down to habit or habit when you're nervous. Think of all the germs and bacteria on your hands and even worse hidden under your nail, this stopped me along with painting them with my favourite nail varnish!

- That little bit of skin at the side of your nail, do not pick it! Apart from the fact it hurts like a (excuse my language) b*tch, it can also get infected really easily- ouch!

- Who else picks at split ends? I found myself rummaging through my hair while watching TV to find split ends, while I thought I was removing them I was actually told I was causing further damage up the hair. Again, I wonder why my hair is so damaged!

Please let me know I'm not the only one? What are your bad beauty habits? I'd love to hear in the comments!

Also let me know what you'd like to see here on The Traces of my Thoughts.

Much Love,

♥   ♥    


  1. Great blog! I also don't clean my brushes as much as I should! Oops! x

    1. Thank you! Oops, I think most people are guilty of it! X

  2. Love this post! Its really different! I always forget to take my makeup of :/

  3. Thank you Nicole! I used to be the same or I simply can't be bothered to take it off but the Garnier Micellar Water makes it so much easier! X

  4. I also clean my brushes as often as I should. And I totally understand the body moisturizing thing - I'm guilty to being lazy as well :D

    1. When I get out of the shower I just want to get warm not have to sit applying moisturiser haha, oops! X

  5. I could relate so much to this post - I have so much old makeup, rarely moisturise and touch my face all the time which I have been told isn't great! I do have the spray on moisturiser but have only used it once so haven't formed an opinion yet but I will try and use it more and let you know!

    - Jess xxx


Thank you for your comment and checking out my blog, I will do my best to reply as soon as possible! X